St. Pius X Church

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Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a class for adults who would like to know more about the Roman Catholic faith. It is also for those who desire to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. Classes begin the first Tuesday after Labor Day and continue through the Easter Vigil. To talk with someone about becoming a Catholic, contact Deacon Craig Gunter at [email protected] or 918-622-4488.

Bring your questions, get the answers. Spread the word, invite your co-workers, friends and family to find out about your faith.

Are you interested in:

Learning about what Catholics believe?

Completing sacraments like First Reconciliation, First Communion and/or Confirmation?

There is no obligation to become Catholic. Come learn about the Faith, ask questions and take the journey with others who are interested in the Catholic Church. OCIA is also for Catholics who wish to renew their Faith.